Here you can:
1) Download a printable rainbow pyramid with pi phi healing dimensions: create your own pyramid.
2) Read advanced data about the healing properties of pi phi pyramids.
3) Find the best links for buying and manuals for building your own pyramid with Pi Phi dimensions.
4) View and download "The Sefirot Planets": my latest work of art showing it is possible the planets in rotation around the sun may have been aligned in the shape of a Kabbalistic tree of life and may again form such a tree at some point in time on an orrery.
1) Download a printable rainbow pyramid with pi phi healing dimensions: create your own healing pyramid.
We suggest you first download the Pi Phi Rainbow pyramid. Create your own healing rainbow negative ion producing pyramid. Just print the diagram of the rainbow pyramid shown here:
Single women are welcome in the radiation free studio to smoke a free joint, do a crystal healing, watch a movie or to get to know Uri. You can call him on 0 2 97 26 36 60 or write him at
Use some tape or, preferably, glue: to glue together the sides of the pyramid to form a negative ion producing pyramid with healing dimensions.
You can also use the Cheops 1:2000 scale model pyramid provided via Kort hals all tess dot com
A great scale model of the Cheops Pyramid (King Khufu's Pyramid) in color, looking exactly like the original in the original dimensions of the real Great Pyramid.
2) Read advanced data about the healing properties of pi phi pyramids.
For pyramids that produce orgone (life force, Prah Nah, Chaya), cloudbuster pyramids a k a orgone pyramid points of power see:
http://righ key fire dot C A/angel shop/pyramid dot h t m l
Kirlian photographs of pyramids:

To see a live view of the pyramids see:
pyramid cam dot com
We also advise people to create a hat in pyramid shape and put Mu-metal foil and alluminium foil on the outside to protect against the cancer E L F beam attacks of the National Security Agencies Lacrosse satellites and against cancer micro wave radiation (Atlanttean Power Helmet).
This page is dedicated to Christopher Reeve, the actor who played Superman.
The Mu-metal foil protects against the radiation which was used by the N S A to give Christopher Reeve and his wife cancer.
People can read more about this on (bar ooch) Yaweh dot blog dot com, praised is the holy name.
The pyramid can also be made of copper wire or copper pipes used for plumbing.
Materials needed:
Copper pipe.
Copper wire.
4 copper pipe corner connectors.
Capstone: mini quartz pyramid from healing crystals dot com.
Tools needed:
Measuring instrument.
Connect the square base-pipes of the pyramids with corner connectors. Drill 4 holes in the 4 copper pipes that form the top of the pyramid at the top of each pipe and 4 holes at the bottom of each of the 4 pipes that form the top: the holes have to face the same side. Use copper wire to keep the copper pipes together and to connect the 4 pipes to the base.
The dimensions of the Pi Phi pyramid can be found below.
3) Find the best links for buying and manuals for building your own pyramid with Pi Phi dimensions.
For the dimensions of the pyramid see the article from Giza Pyramid dot com:
Amazing Little Epsilon!
. . . a scale-model pyramid that really works.
To turn your room into a healing Orgone production center put aluminum foil on the walls and ceiling and buy an orgone pyramid from orgonise africa dot net, with a minus sign in between orgonise and Africa. Be sure to ground the aluminum foil with a grounding cable, just connect a cable to the foil on one end and something that is grounded at the other end.
From the orgonise africa dot net web-site:
Large Orgone Generator in Pyramid Shape.
This is an energy whopper and a great decorative adornment for your home as well.
The Pyramid has 5 large quartz crystals appropriate to it's size and various other gemstones.
Base approx 14.5 cm.
Slope approx 53 deg.
Smooth Surface.
Coloured in various beautiful translucent hues.
17 to 38 dollars, depending on size.
On orgonise dash Africa dot net we also find interesting info about free energy:
"Entropy is the principle of reduction of complexity, thereby liberating the stored energy. This takes place when we burn fossil fuels, split the atom or basically any technological process that mankind has recently come up with.
Entropy is the idea of destroying something in order to utilize it or rather a minimal aspect of it!
The concept of Orgone postulates a principle that is opposed to entropy, a creative orgonising force. This force can be equated with life.
Learning to harness the creative power of Orgone will lead to an understanding of what is now called “free energy”, a concept ridiculed by entropic science because it contradicts the “2nd Law of Thermodynamics”. (read 2nd Law of Entropy)" See orgonise africa dot net for more details.Note: Disentropy for me end note.
Danny Kleins car uses 4 ounces of water to drive 100 miles.
See http://smart economy.type for Danny Klein on Fox news.
See: http://h y tech a p p s dot com/aquy gen/h h o s
MUST SEE: http://water powered meyer.html
Another example of a car that drives exclusively on water and an overview of the inventors of water-powered cars. On water powered car dot com we can read: "Isaac de Rivas was a Swiss inventor who, in 1805, was the first to make a car powered by an internal combustion engine. That was an accomplishment in and of itself, but what did the engine use as fuel, since gasoline wasn't invented till the 18 70s? Amazingly, the first automobile ran on HYDROGEN extracted from WATER!"
It looks like these people are paid large amounts of money and charge a lot of money for their device (aquygen over 6000 dollars), sold the patent to the U S military (government buys all the patents) and kills people that make their own water powered car and takes their car away (water powered car dot com, a must see).
There are also non-patented versions of this device available: the Joe-cell. If cancer-oil consumption remains the same, the world will run out of cancer-oil in 2044.
The video of mister Danny Klein on Fox news shows his car that drives solely on water (exclusively on water according to the Fox news video), combusted with an Electrolitic Capacitor inside the car. The hydrogen is made from water inside the car in stead of sold as hydrogen fuel. This idea has been kept secret all this time and hidden from the public: the space shuttle is an example of the way free energy is hidden from the public, the gigantic hydrogen fuel tanks are absurd but these are to keep the man made flying saucers like the Haunibu 1 and the Avro-car flyinig disc hidden from the public.
The German Nazi's lost world war 2, so what happened to their flying saucers?
Time of writing: 26-12-2006, 2:51 hours at night.
Free energy is being blocked from the consumer market by the Illuminati and rich cancer oil barons but especially Nazi-Bush that sick falling devil worshipping mass-murdering skull digging sect member.
A better looking pyramid is available from Reiki Fire dot C A.
Look under 'angels and stuff' and click on 'Crystal Pyramid - Energy Creator'.
4) View and download "The Sefirot Planets"

Yes, the tree of life is clearly visible.
What will happen when the planets are formated in the shape of this so called Kabbalistic Sefirotic tree of life?
The planets all have a different rotation speed around the sun, so at one point in time they will be formated in this shape: the tree of life.

Contact Uri via if you would like to use the art commercially.
Use for educational purposes is permitted as long as the art is not sold in any way.
The TETRA system pulses at 17.6 Hz broadcast at 400 MHz which is essentially the Pandora Project funded by the CIA in the late '60s and early '70s. Dr Ross Adey, the chief researcher on the Pandora Project has released a video to leading UK researchers which proves that not only does the TETRA system cause ELF zombification by massive release of calcium ions in the cerebral cortex and the nervous system, but the activated calcium ions also cause massive hormonal disturbances which lead to frenzied imbalances, emotional and physical states......
"Discovered in 1962, these complex set of electromagnetic signals were investigated by the CIA, which hired a consultant, Milton Zaret, and code named the research "Project Pandora". According to Zaret, the Moscow signal was composed of several frequencies, and was focused each day precisely upon the Ambassador's office, U.S. Embassy in Moscow."
Dr Ross Adey's research at the Brain Research Institute of the University of California, was funded by the CIA. In their Pandora project a catalogue of different brain signals for specific actions, emotions and pathological states of mind were recorded. It was found that when microwaves were used to fire these signals at victims' brains, they experienced the moods, behaviour, and the pathological states, carried by the signals. This meant that by mimicking natural brain frequencies, the human brain could be controlled remotely by use of extremely low frequency broadcast carried by pulse modulated microwave beams (ELF pulse modulated microwave remote mind control technology
It's no choice.
Visit one of my favorite web-sites: shows a SAR-LUPE satellite cluster standing above the A M C hospital, Amsterdam. Tune into Prologics World Peace Radio with healing, mind control blocking signals and music plus the latest info about the illegal activities of the N S A. An overview of the N S A's and C I A's black projects such as:
Project mockingbird: total control of news channels such as N B C and C N N by the C I A,
Project Cloverleaf: the spreading of Chemtrails which contain aluminum and barium which absorbs the cancer U M T S radiation to facilitate Remote Neural Monitoring: the remote control of any unshielded persons emotions, to read the human mind (brain-mapping) and to totally control what all unshielded people think with the neural network.
Project M K Ultra: experiments with drugs such as L S D to find a truth serum and ways to program people (to let people do things against their will).
Project Pandora: experiments with cancer micro wave radiation to find new ways to selectively erase memory, brain-map people more accurately, control emotions of people and to program people at night during their rem-sleep.
Project 415: Echelon.
http://universal declaration of human An overview of the ways basic rights are being transgressed by your local government at this time. Pictures of the N S A satellites, Lacrosse satellites are recognizable by the orange flair on the picture. The holy name Jahweh is spelled with a letter J and two letters H, not Yawe with a letter Y without the H's.
Software you simply MUST download:
Celestia. The free space simulation that lets you explore our universe in three dimensions. Celestia runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.
Unlike most planetarium software, Celestia doesn't confine you to the surface of the Earth. You can travel throughout the solar system, to any of over 100,000 stars, or even beyond the galaxy.
www dot A F P E F S dot com (our planet earth from space abbreviated dot com)
Currently this website and the down-loadable screen-saver displays every 20 minutes all current earthquakes, fires, cloud cover, temperatures, wind direction, hurricanes, active volcanoes, satellites, orbiting shuttles, space stations, day/night zones, Antarctic icebergs, ships, the moon-phase, changing seasons, natural disasters and epidemics.
See here on healing pyramid dot blog spot dot com: a Screen-shot of Stellarium showing the position of the stars above Vinkeveen (the Netherlands) the first night of the new roman year 2007:
Use positive sigh and just stay high.